📪2. Vision, Mission, and Values

This chapter describes the vision, mission, and values that we at DMM Crypto strive to achieve. The SMP services we provide are designed based on these fundamental ideas and aim to fulfill them.


Based on the DMM Group's brand catchphrase, "DMM does everything," and to expand our existing businesses by shifting to web3, our vision for DMM Crypto is to create a society where "Multiply Anything x Earn Anytime x Everybody Enjoys” is a reality.

The keywords that constitute our vision are expressed as follows.


“Anything” encompasses a variety of concepts, including content such as “entertainment” and “”, financial concepts such as "money” and “tokens”, non-monetary values such as “knowledge” and "human relationships”.


We aim for a state in which the "immutability" and "permanence" originally realized by web3 will continue to be effective in the future.


The goal is to create an open ecosystem in which anyone who wishes to participate can do so. Ideally, participants will not be limited by factors such as race, age, gender, region, or income.


This expresses the fact that we can increase the total amount of asset supply rather than compete for a limited share of the pie. In particular, we see this as a major paradigm shift (a shift in values) in the idea that the issuance of money, which used to be monopolized by the state and banks, can now be democratized and the total amount of money can be increased.


To ensure the "permanence" mentioned above, for example, we consider it an important element to provide a stable revenue source for creators, who are content providers. This has the potential to change the way people work.


We will continue to provide new entertainment content that responds to the changing and diversifying needs of people.

The above keywords can be combined in 3x3 to form an arbitrary sentence, expressing our vision of various possibilities. We aim to realize a society in which people’s ways of earning and enjoying life are altered, a world in which everyone can be the protagonist of their own story.

More specifically, we aim to create a world where:

  • Every day is fully enjoyed

  • The added value of life is enhanced

  • Daily play becomes more enjoyable

  • People deepen their passions

  • A world where one can live by playing, etc.


The challenge to “achieve sustainability," which we mentioned at the introduction of this document, is in line with the DMM Group's sense of mission, and we see it as a universal theme for taking on the challenge of the web3 business.

"Sustainability" in this context is not limited to the general meaning of sustainability of the entire society based on environmental and economic considerations but has a multi-faceted meaning. It also includes the establishment of a model to sustainably develop our ecosystem by issuing crypto assets and improving the business durability of the DMM Group as a whole by diversifying our businesses in response to changes in society.

In the current web3 industry, there are many cases where services are short-lived due to insufficient business viability and business continuity of the operator. In addition, the difficulty of building an ecosystem using highly volatile crypto assets is high, and many token issuers are struggling to control it.

On the other hand, the DMM Group has the following experience:

  • The fact that we have established many businesses, many of which are still going strong today

  • Stable revenue base from existing businesses

  • Presence of financial business operations, including crypto-asset exchanges of group companies

We believe that by making the most of this knowledge and assets, we can achieve "sustainable business" and will continue to strive to achieve this mission.


The value we offer to society is to "provide new entertainment in the digital space”. The keywords that constitute our value are expressed as follows.

Digital Space

As a global trend, digitalization is irreversible. Therefore, our business will be developed in line with this trend. However, this does not mean that we neglect the experience of the real world, rather we aim to enhance that experience with digital technology.


We will continue to provide new entertainment content that responds to the changing and diversifying needs of people.


The etymology of the word entertainment is "to pause (enter-) to have (teneo) (-ment), to take place. This indicates its essential role of entertaining and providing a pleasant experience. While entertainment is generally synonymous with "amusement" or "enjoyment," we focus more deeply on its original meaning and define it as the creation of spaces that not only entertain users and creators, but also support their spirit and generate joy.

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