
Economics is responsible for developing a stable economic system, primarily based on its currency, SMP tokens, and for providing versatile and sustainable economics to accommodate diverse Applications.

Token Basic Ideas

As we designed our token economics, we decided to organize the "tokens" created via blockchain technology into the following three categories.

  • Commodity Token Types

  • Security Token Types

  • Payment Token Types

Commodity tokens are defined as a generic term for tokens that have a use value in themselves. Utility tokens used to obtain specific services and NFTs representing game items and digital art are also classified here for token design purposes.

Security tokens are "digitized security" in which rights are transferred and recorded using blockchain technology. This category includes legal security tokens, which are subject to the same laws and regulations as securities, as well as physical redemption NFTs and tokens.

Payment tokens are so-called "payment" tokens used to redeem goods. The difference with commodity tokens is that payment tokens only serve as a means of exchange, and in itself, don’t hold value. This term is not limited to stablecoins pegged to fiat currency, but also includes a wide range of tokens used as "payment instruments".

Properties of SMP Tokens

SMP Token is a unique token issued by SMP. The ultimate purpose of issuing these crypto assets is to create a unique ecosystem that is not dependent on fiat currencies such as the Dollar, Yen, Euro, or Yuan. Thus, the ultimate goal is for it to be widely used as a payment token as a medium of exchange, and as an alternative to fiat currency.

However, it is difficult to use crypto assets that have just been issued and are not trusted as payment tokens from the beginning. Therefore, in the early stages of SMP token issuance, the utility will be designed with an emphasis on commodity use value to increase the credibility and liquidity of the tokens. The token will then gradually start to function as a payment token through a series of stages and be distributed to the public.

SMP Token is a utility token that can be used on SMP and traded on certain exchanges. It is not a security token backed by any form of assets.

In the early stages, we plan to offer functions that allow users to earn various incentives by holding tokens. For example, preferential services in web3 games provided on our platform, earning points in existing DMM services, and voting functions for decision-making on distributions. This promotes the utilization of tokens in various applications, such as "incentivizing gameplay," "gamifying daily activities like sleeping and driving," and "turning consumption and play into investments."

We also plan to offer lending services that generate returns by lending tokens to users who want to earn incentives from holding tokens.

Expansion Concept of the SMP Token Ecosystem

For SMP token to function as a payment token, we must create a situation where many people want it. Thereby we have used "gold" and "Dollar" as our model case, referring to history.

Historically, "gold" was chosen as the universal currency because of its finiteness and ease of processing, and increased its utility by being processed into coins in various countries and used as decorations and gifts.

Later, a fixed exchange rate system was introduced to maintain a fixed exchange ratio between the dollar pegged to gold and each country's currency to rebuild the economy that had deteriorated during World War II.

SMP Token will refer to these past examples and widely distribute SMP Token as a commodity token for an initial period of about three years to increase its value.

Thereafter, measures will be developed to gradually expand SMP Token’s use cases as payment tokens, thereby increasing its stability as a currency.

Subsequent strategies will be determined with reference to the history of the Dollar during the era of floating exchange rates when it was unpegged from gold, but also with reference to the state of the global economy and cryptocurrencies at that time.

Regarding the time frame for SMP Token value enhancement, we envision expanding this ecosystem over a period of 10 years or more. The reason for this is that as mentioned earlier, there are few examples of sustainable businesses in the web3 industry, and we believe it is useful to set a relatively long time frame as a goal compared to other projects. The target timeframe was calculated by taking into account the actual performance of the DMM Group's pre-existing businesses. SMP Token looks to increase its value in a span of 3 years in the short term, followed by 7 years in the medium term, and 10 years or more in the long term.

For reference, a time-series graph of bitcoin market capitalization on a logarithmic scale can be compared with the above model to confirm that a similar trend line can be drawn.

In addition, based on the hypothesis derived from past history that "there is no perfect single currency that satisfies all properties," we aim to build an ecosystem that covers the "international financial trilemma.

Building an Ecosystem Overcoming the Trilemma of International Finance

The international financial trilemma is a principle of international finance that states, as issuers of currencies, can achieve only two of the three goals of monetary policy simultaneously: exchange rate stability, independent monetary policy, and free capital movement.

If we replace this with the simple terms "value stability," "freedom of issuance," and "free exchange," and consider the construction of an ecosystem, we can say that the following three cannot be achieved simultaneously.

  1. Value Stability: Stabilizing the value of one's currency and the rate of exchange with other currencies.

  2. Freedom of Issuance: controlling the money supply and properly managing inflation and deflation

  3. Free Exchange: free exchange with other currencies and easy movement of capital

This principle would hold true not only in international finance but also in the monetary policy of crypto assets.

Also, according to this principle, foreign currency (yen or dollar) and in-game currency alone would be "stable but difficult to expand," while in-game currency and crypto assets alone would be "easy to expand but difficult to stabilize”.

Therefore, SMP hopes to cover the three elements of the trilemma by circulating three currencies in the ecosystem: SMP Token (crypto assets), in-service currency, and non-SMP currencies including fiat currencies (foreign currencies), thereby simultaneously achieving development and stability in the ecosystem.

By utilizing multiple types of currency in this way, SMP will build an ecosystem that realizes the vision of "Multipliable, Earnable, and Enjoyable" which could not be made possible by simply combining fiat currencies and point-based ecosystems.

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